Interested in membership?

Membership is an important step for you and for Eastside. If you’ve visited for a while and feel led to be part of what God is doing here, your next step should be partnering with us in life and ministry through membership. Take a moment to look over the process by which membership is attained.

Step 1: Membership Information
Complete the membership form that is available at either Welcome Center, or download it HERE to complete. Once you’ve completed it, you can give it to one of our pastor(s), place it in one of the tithing drop-off locations, or mail/drop it off at the church office.

Step 2: Meeting
We encourage every person/family desiring membership to meet with one of our pastors before taking the next step.

Step 3: Class
Attend a 3-week class on Sunday mornings taught by our pastor(s). At the conclusion of the class each participant is given a membership covenant they are asked to sign as an outward commitment of their inward commitment to Eastside.

Step 4: Affirmation
The fourth and final step is a public introduction and affirmation before our church family. Those having completed steps 1 through 3, signed, and turned in their membership covenant are asked to join the pastor at the end of any Sunday morning worship service so he can briefly introduce the new member(s) and welcome them into our faith family.

As you work on your membership form, please let us know of your interest by completing the quick form below.